Statistika / kelas A
Statistika / kelas B
Kajian Topik Penelitian / kelas A
Kajian Topik Penelitian / kelas B
Survei Pembelajaran Ipa Di Sekolah / kelas B
Kapita Selekta Ipa / kelas A
Kapita Selekta Ipa / kelas B
Karya Ilmiah Dan Etika Ilmiah / kelas A
Assalamulaikum ww. How is everyone,
Thank you for taking the "Scientific Work and Ethics" course via E-Learning media (Karya Ilmiah dan Etika Ilmiah). This course is conducted offline and online by utilizing USK e-learning media facilities. Overall, this course is related to scientific work and also the ethics that must be met by a writer in preparing scientific work. The course begins with an introduction to the types of scientific work and ends with an independent assignment to write a short scientific work that meets scientific ethics in writing.